gentle reminders

it’s been an amazing start to the year for some…and a horrific few months for others. i myself fall into the middle. it’s been difficult for me to consistently stay happy and optimistic each day and whether it’s self-sabotage or simply not knowing how to stop stressing about every little detail in my life, i’m sort of feeling burnt out. so, for others who fall into this category, or for anyone in general that needs some reminders in their life, i hope these thoughts bring some feeling of comfort and support. (p.s. scroll to the bottom for more)

  • it’s important to feel your feelings — our feelings are there for a reason. they can be incredible indicators that something isn’t aligned, that we need to shift, or that we’ve been through something challenging and just need some time to support ourselves through it. we’re always trying to strive, to accomplish, to prove ourselves and our worth, to something external instead of recognizing that when we get to know ourselves a little better; when we sit and listen to ourselves and validate our feelings, we’re often able to see much more clearly and move forward with greater intention. essentially, allow yourself to cry it out.

  • sometimes rest is the most productive thing you can do — you are deserving of rest and self-care without having to “achieve” anything first. there are no prerequisites for self care. you don’t have to check a certain number of things off your to-do list before you can rest. if you’re listening to your body and it needs a little nurturing, listen to those whispers.

  • you are not failing, you are learning — when you start looking at all of your perceived “failures” instead as opportunities to learn and grow, your whole worldview shifts. there doesn’t need to be such thing as failure in your life if you can instead see it as feedback. sometimes it takes a little longer, but when you can allow yourself to believe that things are working our for you, you can find those tiny, beautiful moments in all parts of life — even during the challenging times.

  • you are your first priority and responsibility — when you take time to rest and recharge, you're helping yourself so that you can return to your external priorities and responsibilities more fully; with greater energy, love, purpose, and excitement. often, we need the reminder to treat ourselves with the same respect we’ve been taught to give to others. you deserve love, rest, compassion, and forgiveness as well.

  • you don’t have to know everything right away — it’s okay, and often helpful, to sit with yourself for a little while to figure out what feels good. we are so bombarded by everyone else’s opinions, that sometimes we need time to clear out the noise and clutter and figure out what’s true for us. not our parents. not our friends. not our teachers. not what will look best on social media. simply what’s best for us.

  • most of your stress comes from the way you respond, not the way life is adjust your mindset and change how you see things. look for the good in all situations. take the lesson and find new opportunities to grow. let all the extra stress, worrying, and overthinking go. we often need this reminder (me included!) because most of our stress isn’t due to real events happening in real time. instead, it’s because we’re worrying about the past or projecting anxiety onto the future, trying to predict what will happen and often envisioning the worst case scenarios. if instead we can bring ourselves into the present, much of our worry and stress will fade. recognize that right now, you are safe. find the good and gratitude in every moment. and allow yourself to simply be.

  • rest isn’t always sleep it’s also time off of a screen, alone, time away from school, a moment to breathe, saying no, or taking things slower. rest will always look different depending on the season you’re in, what your day looked like, or simply how you feel. so, take time to honor that. what type of rest would serve you best right now? make space for that.

  • it’s okay to let go of things that are no longer serving you — we are always moving through seasons in life and often what served us in one season no longer does when aspects of our lives, schedules, relationships or circumstances change. so, take time to gain some clarity on what’s draining your energy and where you feel you could let go of those things, people, beliefs, habits or thoughts that simply aren’t serving you anymore. when you let go you’re not only lifting a weight from your shoulders, but you are creating space for even more to show up to serve and support this new season you’re in. it’s okay to let go.

  • you have to believe that you deserve more than the bare minimumbecause you do.

there are going to be times in life where you simply do not know. you don’t know how to feel, you don’t know what your heart wants, maybe you don’t feel like “you,” or you’re indecisive, you’re overwhelmed by possibilities yet simultaneously stuck in one place.

please know that you will find your way. take it one day at a time and take the pressure off of yourself having it all figured out. be where your feet are, lean into feeling proud of how far you’ve come even if it doesn’t feel far right now.

you are enough. never forget that!

with extra love tonight,



let’s talk pt. 6