threads of advice pt.2

this is an image of one of lindsay’s cover arts that she’s thinking about using in a journal she’s creating! sketching and creating artwork is one of lindsay’s favorite ways to destress.

we are on a roll this week! one of my biggest supporters and someone i go to all the time for anything blog related, lindsay, is a constant inspiration for me and i’m beyond grateful that she was able to share some of her wisdom with you all. so without further ado, here’s lindsay’s story!

Hello! My name is Lindsay, and I am a mental health influencer, blogger, and children's book author. 

A life-changing lesson I learned a couple of years ago is the necessity of loving and caring for oneself. This is what helped me overcome my mental health issues (particularly fear, anxiety, and frustration). I first learned about the importance of this after reading a self-help book written by the late author Louise Hay, titled "You Can Heal Your Life." Once I began to use the practices described in this book (such as repeating self-confidence affirmations), I immediately felt a shift take place inside of me. My anxiety, depression, and frustration lessened. I felt lighter and more grounded. It just felt right. Like finding a key that had been missing for years, and unlocking a new door full of possibilities. 

Even though I still occasionally had my ups and downs, I still slowly improved. I eventually learned what triggered me and how to deal with and prevent relapses. I also learned how to show myself compassion, gentleness, and patience on difficult days, and to get my priorities straight. I had to take care of myself first before anything else. This was all a new learning experience for me and a lifelong healing process. Self-love was definitely a foreign concept to me, and I had to completely re-train my mind and make it into a daily practice. Some days I would get distracted and had to remind myself to keep up with my new routine until it became second-nature. I'm still learning more every day about new strategies to help me. I'm finally on my way to recovery. 

Mental Health Blogging

I began blogging about mental health issues at the beginning of the summer (in a previous mental health blog). I actually never put much importance on blogging in the past (I started out blogging about children's books). To be honest, I didn't think I would get many readers.

A few months ago, something changed. I had been researching for a while how to become a freelance writer. The main subjects I was focusing on would be book reviews, recommendations and writing advice. Although I love writing children's books and reading all types of books, I felt like something was missing.

I began to brainstorm about what would be the most interesting topic for me to write about that I had some knowledge of. Let's go back to my love of writing books and reading. What are my favorite types of books to read? Anything mental health related. I have not just a lot of knowledge about it, but experience, too. A LOT of experience. Which makes my mental health blog all the more fulfilling, personable, and meaningful to me. Plus, I could help others who are struggling at the same time. I then knew it was my calling.

So far, I have written weekly blog posts about relevant and popular mental health topics. This is something that still needs to be taught and discussed more today (especially with clearing up common misconceptions) and should be cultivated into society. I am a mental health advocate and want to do everything I can to help educate others and make people feel less alone and more understood.

I recently created a new mental health blog ( where I speak more about my personal experiences dealing with mental health issues. 

I have struggled with anxiety disorders, depression, BPD, disordered eating, and Sensory Processing Disorder for many years. I want to help support and educate others the way I wish I had been when I was growing up. Helping to clear the path for others will do a world of good. If I can prevent someone from going through years of (needless) suffering like I did, that would mean everything to me.

it’s me, eliza, again! lindsay is one of the most selfless, loving, and caring people i’ve gotten to know through positivU. i hope parts of her story inspire you to practice self-love or learn more from lindsay’s perspective by visiting her blog! look out this weekend for a let’s talk pt. 5 (it gets deep and messy and personal…but that’s the beautiful part of growing and being human!)




rejection (college edition)


threads of advice pt. 1